Without realising it, we go about our day being bombarded with noxious emissions from EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation). The Home & Office Harmoniser is a negative ion field generator designed to balance positive ion resonance, otherwise known as a noxious unhealthy energy created by all forms of EMR, RF, WIFI, earth and interdimensional radiation, to a potentially healthier negative ion resonance/POR. This stress within a building puts the body’s nervous system and organs under resonant stress, which may contribute to unhealthy cell growth and a compromised immune system.
Devices that effect the your home include:
-mobile phones -air conditioning
-laptops -water pipes
-digital televisions -earth radiation
-home appliances -smart metres
Did you know that he human body has its own natural magnetic field?
When someone calls your mobile phone a magnetic field is produced by an electro-magnetic which vibrates the speaker in the earpiece and produces sound.
Did you know mobile phones can be a danger to your health?
- Do you suffer from headaches or fatigue in an office environment?
- Do you have trouble sleeping?
- Is there a room or space in your home that feels heavy and sickly?
- Do you feel lethargic or lack drive to perform the simplest of tasks at home?
Without realising it, we go about our day being bombarded with noxious emissions.