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Organic Living Greens 150g


The Organic Living Greens contains alfalfa, spelt grass, barley and wheat grass for a rich mineral and vitamin content. This green supplement helps to nourish your skin, aid digestion and reduce inflammation in the body. The Organic Living Greens is the perfect source of greens and helps to strengthen your hair and nails.

SKU: NS6 Category:


Organic Living Greens is a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants, min­erals, proteins and SOD (Super Oxide Dimutase – an anti-aging enzyme). It contains wheatgrass, which is known for its ability to stimulate human tissue growth & repair, and is also rich in chlorophyll to help nourish & fortify the blood, strengthen the body, boost vitality and increase stamina. It is also high in calcium and  the abundance of iron is effective for oxygenation of blood and muscles.

Benefits: The selenium trace mineral found in Living Greens is powerful in maintaining a resistance to disease. Being rich in SOD, it helps to reduce arthritic inflammation and encourages tissue repair for the heart, kidney, pancreas and bowel. The enzymes have an anti-peptic ulcer function.

The Organic Living Greens contains alfalfa, spelt grass, barley and wheat grass for a rich mineral and vitamin content. This green supplement helps to nourish your skin, aid digestion and reduce inflammation in the body. The Organic Living Greens is the perfect source of greens and helps to strengthen your hair and nails.

Rich in chlorophyll which helps nourish and fortify the blood, strengthen the body, boost vitality and increases stamina and energy.

Alfalfa: “Father of All foods”, containing almost all known vitamins, minerals and trace elements needed for premium health and is 10 times richer in minerals than most cereals.

Wheatgrass/Barley:  Wheatgrass is known for its ability to stimulate human tissue growth and repair.  It helps to oxygenate the blood, provides calcium and energises and regenerates the body.

Spelt Grass: Nutritionally, Spelt is extremely close to Wheatgrass. Spelt, Triticum Spelta, was considered the “Mother Grain” in the ancient Middle East and has been regarded as the “Healing Grain” in Central Europe by the way it rejuvenates your body.

This fabulous combination of ingredients comes in the form of a powder and is taken twice a day in water or juice for maximum benefits.


  • Nourishes the skin.
  • Aids Digestion
  • Reduces arthritic inflammation.
  • Beautifies hair and strengthens nails.

Directions: Mix 1/2-1 teaspoon with pure water or fruit juice, and take twice daily before meals.

Ingredients: Organic barley; organic wheatgrass; organic alfalfa; organic spelt grass.

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Weight 180 g


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